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Updated 3/2025

Scheduling Photography Services:

Please understand that we strive to process a high volume of photography orders across multiple counties in northern Utah every day. In order to provide prompt service to all our clients, our planning of an efficient schedule including only ready-to-photograph properties is critical. Here is how we do it:

Photography schedule priority is based first on planning a route that enables us to service the orders we receive on a daily basis. (Orders for properties outside Salt Lake County may be delayed during periods of extra high volume). The second consideration is based on which way the property's frontage faces, if the route can accommodate it. We CANNOT schedule by special request, pending weather conditions, on an appointment basis, or on a "first come, first served" basis--ordering in advance does not impact priority in our schedule.

Following confirmation that properties are ready for photography, We plan and schedule once a day, the evening prior to photography. Orders received by our 5:00 PM deadline are planned into a photographer's route, assigned an estimated timeframe for arrival, and then courtesy text messages are made to confirm photography for the next business day (Mon-Fri), excluding holidays. Our scheduling text messages are only made after our 5:00 PM deadline. Where applicable, we ask that you to provide a single point of contact for scheduling. We do not make additional contacts to report our scheduling.

Due to our Rapid-Response Scheduling, we ask that you place photography service orders AFTER the property is ready, rather than in anticipation of its readiness. We define a property that is "ready" as one that is presentable for photography, and may be scheduled into our photography route the next business day (Mon-Fri) without limitations on times or access. Our principal photographer is real estate-licensed since 1998 and has SLBR key box access, so the assumption is that access can be scheduled and handled like Realtor showings. We provide a 1-2 hour time frame estimate for arrival.

Photography orders that are represented to be ready, will be planned into a photography route on or after it's "ready date" as indicated on the order form. Orders that reschedule or cancel after time has been reserved may be subject to a cancellation fee.

Expectations After Scheduled Photography:

Unless you order a "Same-Day Posting" service, online services are completed on the next business day (Mon-Fri), excluding holidays, after the actual date of photography.. Online services remain online until the listing is sold or released. If you wish to preserve images for other purposes, please download the content using your agent control panel while the property is active. Show Me The Homes, P.C. retains all rights of ownership for the images and marketing services we produce, however you have unlimited use of the images provided. If someone else desires the images we provided for your use, we will refer them back to you to work something out, or reshoot the property for them.

As you discuss expectations with your sellers, please consider these methods and timelines.

Help Us Maintain Fast, Efficient Service:

In order to provide the most efficient service to all our clients, Show Me The Homes asks that our photographers and office not be burdened with inquiries about when services have been or will be scheduled or completed. An email or text notification will be sent to the email address or phone number provided on the order form when services are complete.

Our services are typically billed after the work is complete. All sales are final and are non-refundable. We do not sell or provide others any of your personal information.
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